Friday, October 24, 2008

Home Study

4th may 2007 first day i Sarah came home...just last week october 2008 my has she changed!

So we had our home studied for Sarah's adoption...
14th October 2008 (which also happens to be Anna's Birthday and Heathers 13th wedding anniversary, so a pretty special day to say the least)

The Saturday before the 14th i Firstly cleaned the house as best one can with a 21 month old little girl at your ankles...she some times was trying to "help" but often just really fed up with me not doing anything with her (the result is a little girl screaming and rolling around on the floor...not a pretty sight!)
Then my good friends Anna and Heather came over to help me really give the house a good clean. Heather entertained the two little ones, and Anna and i did the easier job of cleaning the house. (this depends on your point of view i guess!)
Tom came too and we all managed to get the house in a decent shape for the home visit.
So Sarah and the cats had just three day to mess up the house...they did pretty good but the night before i mopped the floors and gave everything the once over and on Tuesday morning (she came at 9am)  the house was, well not quite but almost, shining!
She calls me and tells me she is outside...she wasn't she was in a different block..i think i gave her the wrong number..opps.
The she comes in and asked me is the interpreter coming later...i thought she was bring one and she thought that i was...opps again! So i call Tom to the rescue
In the mean time i get her and myself a glass of water...all the time Pickles (cat) is in her face / bag/shoes/ paper work ect.. Then Pickles does her normal trick of drinking from the cup...the socal workers cup...opps...again!
As for her english is was (nee is) in fact almost perfect so we don't really need Tom for that aspect, but i really need him to entertain Sarah as she wasn't so happy that i had to talk to this lady and didn't want to play with her...resulted in her crying and climbing over my shoulder and then lying on the floor crying...doesn't look so good when someone is in your house to decide if you should be allowed to keep this child!
Tom came and Sarah and Tom had a blast! running playing, Sarah was Sarah again and the woman got to see that, which was wonderful.
We go and sit at the living room table to talk about my family tree. 
I'd left a document which i'd just filled in (all about my income out going ect..) i left it in the dinning room, i go back to retrieve it and find that my dear cat Pickles has eaten it! yes my cat ate my home work!!
Big opps there!
 I bring it to her and ask do you have another form i could fill in as it would seems my cat ate it...she was surprised at the state of the form and said no sorry i don't have another one, i'll email you it. I apologised and she said "it's stuff like that that makes life more interesting"....welcome to my world! stuff like that always happens to me. From that point on i figured she can't be thinking that badly of the same time i am talking to her Sarah is running screaming, mummy mummy, and wrapping herself around my legs due to the fact tom is chases her.  ( a happy type of screaming i might add!)
As the woman leaves we walk her down the stairs and Sarah says in a military fashion one two one two one two (but in Chinese)... honestly i don't run a boot camp! Sarah did kiss her good bye and waved her off, very sweet indeed. She really did get a glimpse into our lives!

Pickles...and the form...what is left of it after she ate it that is!

1 comment:

The Accidental Mommy said...

I am hoping that if they are doing a home study that means court went well on the 21st?