Saturday, February 28, 2009

Adam and Joe!

I was featured on the Adam and Joe cool. ( they read out an email i sent to them, so i wasn't like on it but featued on it...if you get me.)
not that most of you will know what or who they are but they are on bbc 6 radio, and i love them i listen to the podcast every week and laugh out loud to myself when ever i listen to it...which i am sure makes people stare even more than they normally do.
The house i looked at was nice, 2 bedrooms and clean not damp ect.. but it's on the 5th floor with just stairs..i need to think about it. it's cheap which is good and avalible which is good and the woman that owns it it also a single mum who's little (huge in fact bigger than Sarah) boy is 1. She's a nurse and can speak a little bit of English..a little bit.
I need to think about it. my joints are doing much better no the weather has picked up again but still they aren't always great and 5 flights of stairs with shopping a baby and a buggy isn't on my best of we will see.

Friday, February 27, 2009

house huntting

Sarah's stopped vomitting, praise The Lord. i'm feeling a bit better, not feeling sick at any rate.
Today i will go and look at a new flat, well two new places that are near where i work. i really need to save money so i hope that i can find a cheapish nice place. i don't know what i will do with Sarah as of yet..i am even thinking the worst which is to put her in she'd be in a kind of school. i don't know if its really the worst thing that can happen to her but its something i am not keen on. kids should be kids really not go to school at the age of 2...however its half the price of a nanny, and it's easy to find. so i might see if i can try it for a month...while i look for a nanny. we will see. I think i may be worrying too much about it as i am sure that she'd have a blast, she loves to be with other people..she is not interaverted to say the least! which is a good thing as i am not sure how i'd cope with a kid that was very very shy....needless to day that i am not that shy.... i don't know what might give that away!
Ok off to meet Grace who will show me around a couple of places.
I hope everyones kids are feeling better soon, i would seem that all the blogs i read have sick kids...maybe we all have a virus...oh dear that is such a bad pun i sound like my father!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

vomit and jumping

So last night Sarah threw up all over me herself and the floor...nice.
I'm not feeling the best as it is but this nearly threw me i nearly spewed too.
So i guess she has Tilly's bug..or another bug who knows. She's not too bad this morning, but when i left her at the nannies she started crying and then the gaging...not a good sign. so i waited with her for a while and the nanny promised to take her to the park...she stopped crying and was fine.
I'm sure that she'll be ok, i just hope she doesn't throw up again. yuck is all i can say. normally i don't care too much about vomit but when your feeling a bit sick too...its really not what you need.
Before she vomited, she was fine running around the house doing her normal things. She did however jump of the stairs (we have strange stairs that bend and thus there is a little platform half way can jump down the other side (the cat does regularly!) as there is nothing there stopping you.) she's never done it before, at least not that i know off, and has always been pretty good going up and down (for the last 4 months or so) but yesterday she went half way up the stairs and then appeared around the corner. I didn't even hear her land. she just came around like she'd just walked down...but she must have jumped or lowered herself.
What was so funny was i tried not to laugh when she appeared (which is pretty hard as she just walked around the corner like surprise!). As i was telling her off she sat on the stairs with her hands on her lap and said she put herself on a time out! so cute. Now she says no no no to that bit of the stairs when we go past it. I hope she doesn't do it again, as i think she could really hurt herself if she fell.
I'll take a photo of the house so you can see what i mean re the stairs...difficult to explain, but the height she jumped was taller than herself.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My dear daughter yesterday was doing push ups..i am not even sure if that is the right term, but it's kind of like it, she was holding onto the chair and onto my leg and lifting herself off the ground. A bit like a pull up, or push up or what ever she was going up and down up and down. Are 2 year olds meant to do that? i guess they are, she's light and strong. i mean she already holds on to a bar an dangles there for 30sec or more, but yesterday she was lifting her feet up and holding them up, a bit like a gymnast would do. Her legs were out in front of her off the ground.
I guess i need to get her in to gymnastics or something like that, shame they don't have tummle tots here. she already does a perfect forward roll whenever she sees certain people, mostly men it has to be said!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

my new MSI

MSI is my new computer (its one of those small things that is still a laptop but much smaller), Tom brought it for me due to the fact that i have no money currently. I will be paying him back with the next couple of pay cheques. I hate to borrow from him but he wanted me to have it, and he is thinking to buy one for himself so he can have a go with it to see if he likes it. Still it's very sweet of him, and it is a back saver for sure. it weights almost nothing compared to my old computer it is tiny. i have to say this is the first time i've really used it and i love it already. i don't notice that its so tiny. i am totally blessed with tiny hands (which is by far my best feature! if i do say so that vein to think that your hand are your best feature, i hope not i don't mean that they are better than other peoples but they are the best thing i have...except they are often painful) Going back to way it's a good thing to have small hands is that the keys are smaller on these computers but to be frank i can't tell. i have no problem touch typing this so i guess that my fingers are small enough. i can't see that this would be wonderful if you have great big sausage hands...but here in Taiwan i don't think anyone has fingers like that. Even the guys have middle size hands.
Tom picked up Sarah yesterday after work and then picked me up from the mrt, he's done this a few times since i've had the new job, on mondays and thursdays mostly as that is when he doesn't play tennis after work. He tells me that Sarah always asks where's mummy, and has even gone up to people (randoms) and asked mummy where.
Sarah is such a doll i love her so much. i miss her terribly when i am working and run, yes run to get back to her. i get really annoyed with the mrt taking oh SO long (it's really fast and reliable so i can't complain really). This leads me to the point that i have to have to find a new place and new nanny asap. it's killing me being so far from her all the time....but maybe i am getting fitter!
Tom is also lending me his ipod shuffle (due to me loosing mine and then my nano, read previous blog about that!) Its great to have podcasts back, but now with the new computer i have to download them all again...i have to remember what they are all called ect.. manic mommies is of course up there, as is creating a family (which is a great resource for adoption and/ or infertility, its also good if you've already created a family via adoption, as they have some great topics on there), then there all all the bbc ones i love so much which are funny mosltyAdam and joe are great but maybe not to everyones taste!
I admit that i am addicted to podcast. At home (england) i was always happy if i had a radio. i love listening to programs and djs talking and comedy ect.. i love it. i'm not so bothered about the music. I think it's like having a book to read, but without the headache of reading...(even though my reading has gotten way better since i discovered blogs!)
I was thinking the other day when Heather told me that she got a Kindle for Christmas, if it was possible to download blog pages to a kindle? that would be pretty cool i think. i've been reading blogs on the mrt but getting your laptop out to do that seems a little extreme! i have also printed them off (to get back stories, i recommend and ) I read lots of other blogs but the last one in particular i think the back story is very interesting. Accidental mommy is very funny to read, you can read the back story for more laughs or just drop in and read it either way its pretty funny.
ok best get back to work...i spend way to much time blogging and not suprise right.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tilly Tots vomitus maximus!

On Sunday little Tilly Tot got really sick, i mean she threw up. We were in Subway and she seemed just fine and then bamm, vomitus maximus. The poor little thing, we had nothing to catch it in and no time to catch it. so she had to vomit all over the floor, table and herself. Sarah, still eating i might add, looked over and said oh mess mess! what sympathy she has! i was yelling at her no, don't come over her no...she was pretty good and stayed out of the way. I started to strip Tilly down to her underwear, so her mum could hug her. she was really brave but still so sad. I'd told the subway guy (like he couldn't see it, it's the smallest subway ever and we were right next to the till!) so he comes over with some tissue (yes tissue) and started to wipe up the mass amount of vomit with his hands (no glove no nothing)...needless to say the tissues didn't quite do the this guy was picking up the egg whites (clearly visible) with his bare hands...nice. The i guess he thinks a bit more and gets a bucket and mop...

He tried to mop it up but it didn't really work that the bits stayed on the floor.

I was helping sort out the table ect.. i looked and Anna and asked so do you want to eat your sandwich? which wasn't it by the vomit...and we both looked at each other and were like...somehow i've lost my appetite! yuck. so we chucked it all away said sorry and left the building...we will not frequent that subway again!

Poor little Tilly tot. we took her around to Heather (just around the corner) to get some clothes for the little thing. It was a good job that it was so hot that yesterday or she'd be freezing in her under ware/onsie (I also there would have been more clothes to take off which is marfan!)

It turns out that she does have a virus or something as both her and her mum (Anna) are sick today. i now worry that i will get sick, and more importantly that Sarah pray hard that we don't! and even harder that they get better asap!

i already feel nauseated but i guess that's psychosimatic! (sorry if you do too now after reading this post!!)

Friday, February 20, 2009

loosing stuff

Feeling a bit better, i am now looking for a house well not a house a flat. They don't do houses here...too many people.
I've finally joined Twitter too..i wondered for a while how to go about it, then Essie joined and i cliked on it and bobs your uncle, i am not a twitter...does it make you a twit to twitter..maybe it does. i wanted to follow Richard Herring from the Collings and herring podcast that i like. Its rude but funny.
I am going to go to work now, i am sat in Starbucks not getting work done as i don't have my file..there is a suprise i forgot something?? me no never. I wish i didn't forget things all the darn time. most of the arguments i have with Tom are about me forgetting stuff, like he never ever forgets things ??! yeah right, he just forgets that he also forgets stuff too...ok i do forget/loss stuff more than him. i can't help it i try not to but i just spend my life in a state of mania. i am always spinning from one place to the next. Trying to get things done and never getting around to doing other things. i often wish i could just pause time and get all the things done and then press play again. Maybe then i wouldn't forget things so darn often. its a big part of my personality i could live without and i am sure that my friends could live without!
Things i lost lately that make me mad...and tom madder...
Tom's camera (along with my lovely old bag that i have had for years and years), my ipod shuffle, then my ipod nano (ok there was like 6 months between these things but still i hate it). These things are lost and gone. One i left in a drove off and i thought shoot i've left it. Then the shuffle came unclipped on a bus (Sarah was playing with it so i suspect it fell off...i still had the head phones in my wasn't turned on mind) then the nano..which is a mystery as to how i lost it, but again i still have the darn head phones. Does anyone know if you can use a non-ipod with itunes? i was wondering as i might buy one of them instead next time but i just listen to podcasts so i need i-tunes.
Tom thinks one day i will just forget Sarah and leave her somewhere, i don't think that can happen, i miss her when she isn't with me..but then again i miss my ipod too!! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Big old rant...sorry

So now i am on the train / mrt to go to the other side of town / city to go to work. Tom came and gave us a lift, which is nice as its raining out there, and I feel like rubbish (there’s a better word out there but I don’t like to swear). I have my period, which after living in Taiwan for 3 years i some how don’t mind talking about. People talk about having their periods like it’s a cold…it’s so strange. They are totally reserved about many many things but that, they don’t care who knows. Gross right. Well I tell you living here for so long you start to change, and see things a bit differently, which is why I can now tell the world (well the 10 followers that I have) that I have my period and i don't like this monthly visitor on single bit..for many reason but at the moment pain is the top of the list! My joints get really painful just before and during my period, and it’s made all the worst by the cold weather that has come upon us this week. Last week was so nice and sunny I thought that spring had sprung…but I guess I was wrong.
I’ve not talked about this before here so those that don't know me know me (in the "real world") won't know that i have lived with chronic joint pain for years, it started when I was teen and continued. It got much worst at one point and I was in a wheelchair to go anywhere more that a few steps. I started to get a bit better after I went to a pain management course in London, for people with my condition. It got amazingly better when i moved to a hotter country, like now i don't uses chruches or anything i don't even limp...well not often (once a month, and if it's really cold)
I have hypermobility, which I think is a bit of an ironic name as it sounds like I am super mobile when the reality is that it makes you want to stay still and not move because it causes so much pain. The name comes from the fact that my joints are all very very flexible…too flexible. So they are weak and that some how causes pain…they aren’t really sure why it causes pain it just does. It’s genetic so my family have the same thing..i just seem to have had it the worst. Two of my sisters have had problems with it and my lovely Nephew is sure to get it (he is mega flexible to the point that when doing a handstand his dad says bend you elbows, no not that way the other way…gross huh). If I had know when I was younger what I had I would never have got so bad..but back then they didn’t know (that’s what they say). They told my mum that I was making up the pains I had in my, fingers, toes, ankles, knees…they never thought about the fact that they are all joints and maybe maybe there was something up with that. So as a kid I was no believed…great. It explains a lot of the other stuff that went on in my past. I’ll save it for another day.
So here I am tired, sleep deprived again, on the mrt going to my office (Starbucks) to work on my thesis and prep lessons.
Tom having given me a lift to work gave me a lift to the mrt too so I didn’t get wet. He asked me to get Mc donals for him (which I of course don’t eat), so I did. However the woman didn’t understand me and messed up the order…tea not coffee…so Tom has a go at me in the car, and tells me that I should have change it (I guess I should have but I didn’t want to keep him waiting even longer out the front of Mc. He hates waiting and I am often rushing in and out of the car while he is telling me to be quicker, or take you time why don’t you…great, you try getting in and out of a car with loads of stuff and a baby….however he never thinks i am rushing, and if i do and then forget something...well that's worst) So next time he will go in and get it himself...he tells me that, I tried and failed as per normal, and will feel rubbishy about it all day.

So why am I sleep deprived? Well my darling daughter has taken it upon herself, for way over a month, to wake up a lot at night and want to get into bed with me…which she does. The problem I have is it would seem that she is having nightmares or something of that ilk as she wakes herself up crying. Its so so sad to see. I don’t know what to do about it really. It happens at least 4 times a night and even when she is in bed with me…
So advice is welcome. Thank you.
The other problem I have which is why it has made it all the worst is that now I don’t get home until 8 and thus Sarah doesn’t get to bed until later than I’d like. To be honest she isn’t a bit tired, quite the opposite, she is as high as a kite, and would be like that until 11 if I let her. I try to wind (like, wind the bobbin up not the wind that blows) her down with a bath story routine ..but she is still bouncing off the walls. It’s a happy bouncing mind so it’s not too bad. She’s singing, dancing, laughing.. jumping ect… Then we sing and sing some more and finally she calms down enough that I can leave her to go to sleep. When I go down stairs I can still here her singing to’s very cute. However this take at least half an hour..which means I can’t go to bed!
I think the nanny still gives her two long naps, even after i asked her to just give her one...
So I need to move house ASAP. I need a new nanny too go with the new house (not in the I need pink curtains to go with the sofa, more I need her to live close to where I will be living). So the search is on…however it’s pretty difficult to do this kind of searching in a country that doesn’t use English as it’s primary language….and where I don’t speak, let alone read the language of choice. Ipso fact to I need help from Chinese speaking friends, who of course have mastered both English and Chinese and often a few other languages to boot.. I however can do a bit of British Sign language (2 year course when I was 19), and the smallest amount of French (Secondary school, for like 5 years….however I can barely say I am 11 years old…which I am no longer!), . I can speak a bit of Chinese, you know to get by but that’s about it. As for English, sure i can speak but writing..not the best, in class yesterday i couldn't spell areoplane...i have to write on the board not on the computer and boards don't have spell checkers..nightmare.
I hate that I have to have help here to do everything like this I hate asking people, it’s annoying for them and for me I feel like a extra limb that doesn’t move ie useless.
Sorry that was a long rant.
Please feel free to offer advice about Sarah’s sleeping, and anything else you wish to comment on… cheers.
ps in Taiwan they have wify on the cool is that!

Sleep deprivation

Agghhh i have written this post twice and lost it twice...i am trying to write to tell you that i am sleep deprived ...obviously it is affecting my ability to type and save a post.. what is wrong with me!
Well it's partly the computer. the j doesn't have a button and the b and h barely work. the shift has gone on the left side too so it's all a bit its my works computer so i need a new one..a little one that i can take to and from work without breaking my back..which is currently happening. carrying Sarah the computer my work, and Sarah's killing me. Yesterday Sarah walked the whole time as i just can't do it. So we got home even later as it takes a long time for her to get anywhere...that's not very true she can run like crazy if she wants to but not in the direction i want to know. She is also easily distracted so will stop at everything...including a dead cockroach...she stood over it saying oh dear oh dear... i had to drag her away from it..gross.
So i will post this and write later why i am so sleep deprived.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Playing with Tilly tot

On Sunday afternoon we went to Anna's house, i needed her help with pepping for School. I will be working with her but she's been a teacher for many years and i haven't so i needed her professional advise. Really i need it! I couldn't work out how the books worked but she set me straight and i was able to prep and now i know what i am going to teach..i hope!
We went to the little park in her neighbourhood. It's perfect for little tots to play in as the slide and other things are small, and thus safer than at the previous park.
I tried to get a nice shot of Sarah and Tilly on the slide together, but this was the best i could do. Most of the time Sarah down at the slide before Tilly even set off, but with Anna's help i managed to get a couple when they were going at the same time just!

These are the see saws in Taiwan, they are great as they are spring loaded so you can play on your own or with other kids it doesn't matter. its really nice as they never bump at the bottom squishing your legs or feet. Sarah can climb on by herself and can still play. She'll get a shock when she tried the boring English ones that require another person of equalish weight to work!

Sunday at the park and broken caterpillars

On Sunday Tom went to church..which rarely happens so it was really nice to see him there. After church we went to the park with Ann and Tilly, and ran into Heather, which is little to no surprise as it is next to her house. The kids had fun running about. Sarah is able to get on and off the seesaw as well as the lower rocking horse toy thing. She tried for ages to get on the slightly higher one but just wasn't quite tall enough!
This is what slides often look like in Taiwan, I forgot that they are strange as I've been here too long but when i first saw them i thought they were very weird. They are made of concrete but work quite well. They are a tad high and a tad scary when you first let your kid go on them, but Sarah does well by herself these days.

The other day Sarah came to me holding a small piece of wool /yarn, and told me broken mummy broken, i asked her what is, and she signed caterpillar broken. So cute. She thought that the wool was a dead caterpillar! bless her she is so caring.

Big, rhino bettle, grubs.

So we went to Dan Suiw (can't spell it sorry) with Heather, Yaya, Ann and all the kids. They had lots of fun, especially the older two.
I found a shop that sold beetles, i wouldn't normally by them as they are always from some other county but this guy had the rhino beetle from Taiwan, that he breed rather than taking from the wild. So i brought two grubs for Tom. We / all three of us love bugs and want to watch them change from grubs to beetles, and then we can always let them go as they are native. We often get beetles on the balcony so its not like i live in the city and never see them. They are pretty big grubs, but Sarah and i like them all the same. I am sure not all kids would be so interested but my daughter is like me, and likes bugs and grubs. So we watched them for a bit before we put them in their soil home and Tom took them to his place. We will get the back to watch them shortly i am sure as at this stage they are easy to transport.
Here are photos of the grub so don't look if you don't like big old grubs! i warned you...


On Saturday i had Onion put down, it was so sad. She was really thin and not getting any better. i am sure i could have kept her alive longer but i really didn't want to due to the fact that she was suffering. i can't work out if what i did was right for her but i couldn't bare to watch her waist away like that it was just too sad for me. As a vegan i struggled with this but i think it's for the best. Sarah kissed her, and said bye bye right before he took her last breath. Then she went and got Onions box and said home. so sad.
I will put a slide show of her up at a later date. I don't have the photos on this computer.

Home of Gods love

So we travelled down to Yi Lan (it takes about an hour or so), to go to Home of Gods love. Sarah is registered as living there...but in fact she never has. The amazing couple Ted and Bev run home of Gods love and did the adoption for me. They are truly an amazing couple that have so much love for what they do. They have been in Taiwan for over 40 years and have seen over 800 children go through their home. Some stay for the long term but other come just to wait to find a forever family. They would like to place all the kids in Taiwan, however this isn't realistic as Taiwanese people in general don't which to adopt none family members. So the kids often go to America. All the babies i saw (bar one) has a family waiting for them. It must be so hard to be the other side of the world waiting for your child to come to you. i feel your pain. i am just so grateful that i was able to have Sarah with me the whole time, or at least be able to go and see her.
The house was full of children, i had to step over two babies to get to the loo, they were sleeping in little bouncy chair things. So cute. all of them. Sarah was very sweet with the babies and tried to put fall dummies back in their mouths. She also counted to them when they were crying ( i say count...she can count to three sometimes but mostly she repeats one and two). She did this to try and calm them down as that is what i do when she is upset and screaming. Its not 1 2 3 and time out or anything its just counting to 10 to let her get her breath and know everything is ok. She was saying one two good girl...its very sweet.
This amazing couple did my adoption without charge, i can't repay them for what they did but when i am earn more i will try to give back the financial aspect.
I went there to change Sarah's name, and house hold register. So now i have her birth certificate and everything is in my name and she has her new name with my last name. Her birth mother named her, i asked her if she'd like to and she did. Her previous given name wasn't given to her by her birth mum but someone random, and it was a terrible name for a part English child ( i think i said it before but her name was Yi Ting, which is pronouncedEating...not so good!)
Sarah took a photo of her feet which looks so sweet i thought i'd share.
The couple are Ted and Bev Skiles, my thoughts, thanks, and prayers go out to them.
I will be making an adoption book for Sarah and this photo will go in to it for sure.

2nd Birthday party for Lili and Sarah

So Sarah and Lili had a joint birthday party last Friday. We took them to Playspace,which is a great indoor place for kids to have fun. It must be American or at least western as it resembles nothing i have seen here before. It cost a bit of money, not too much ..but they charge for the cake...even when i made it and brought it in go figure.
So the kids all had fun and as parents i think it was stress free...until the cab journey home (Heathers house) when we had 5 tired hungry kids in the back seat with two adults...the kids weren't so happy.
As you can see from the photos, there was lots to do at Playspace, a big sand box...that Sarah wouldn't step it. She hates the sand and wouldn't even step on it to get to the every alluring bubbles. I had to carry her! She did however love the swing, the slide the climbing frame (which she practically runs up..she's a master climber), and anything else that kept her moving. She did sit down and paint for the first the photo she looks pretty serious about that picture!

I tried to get a nice shot of Sarah and lili together but most of them they were fighting over to love 2 year olds!

The cake was made by me, and thus vegan and i have to say it was pretty yummy. My daughter however didn't even take a bite. She's just not that into cake, she'd rather eat veggies...strange kid. They other kids like the cake so it wasn't made in vain. Sarah got more presents, and most important of all was the bubbles that Heather gave her...which make a big mess but she loves them.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For the love of broccoli

so i have 2 days left as a it's amazing that i won't be doing this every day. 
I will however carry on doing some science stuff as i hope/pray/plan that i will finish my thesis in the mornings while Sarah still goes to day care (all day). When i am done then i will get to spend way more time with her, and i have that to, hopefully, keep me motivated. I need to finish it even if i never work in science again. 
i have to sort out all this stuff at work, stuff as in work as well as just a lot of things that i have at work that i need to clear out throw out ect... that's no mean fait as i'm rather messy/disorganised and thus have tons of junk in and around my desk (both in and out of the lab) so i need to do that really. i am hoping that a fairy will come and wave a wand. I totally understand my blog friends daughter who wants a wand that really works. i do to! none of this plastic pretend stuff one that goes poof and it's all clean.

I guess that isn't going to happen and thus i need to get my finger out (out of what i don't know but out of something*). However i just want to read blogs and look at photos. Here's some of Sarah eating a chocolate biscuit, which is funny as she doesn't really eat them often and in fact when she saw some broccoli that was left over from dinner she threw down the chocolate cover biscuit in favor of the broccoli. my kid is SO cool. She didn't want the biscuit back after either...but she wanted more broccoli. What kid does that?? answer, mine.

*if you are an adam and joe listener then you will know they were talking about this too. if your not it's a pretty funny podcast from the bbc.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy new year!

So Chinese new year has come and gone, we had a week off work so it was ace. I got to spend the whole week with my little girl...who is not so little any more.
Today is the first day back and i have to say i miss her. I don't miss the not sleeping part, and the throwing a wobbler because she's shattered part. Nope i don't miss that, but i miss her laughing talking, signing, singing ect... she has been just so adorable you could eat her up. 
(Oh just to let American readers know that shattered also means really tired in British English..i didn't know that until  the day i wrote on my facebook that i was really shattered, and had three people phoned me to ask if everything was ok, i thought that they were being so sensitive to me being tired, until they said "so did the adoption fail, is that why you are so shattered?? i am so sorry" i now know that i must mention this discrepancy between our languages.)
She got a buggy (aka stroller, yet another British word i didn't know they didn't use in the US) from the Hammonds with a monkey inside for her birthday and ever since we can not leave the house with out it. It is SO cute SO so cute. she pushed it the whole length of Dann park, it look over and hour. She's loves it. She is adverse to dolls, like really doesn't like them but the monkey in the buggy she loves. Her friend Lili Hammond, loves dolls, loves babies and has tried to share them with Sarah but Sarah pushes them away saying baoyao (no, i don't want it) she really doesn't like them its funny to see a little girl have this reaction. However the Hammonds have had a new years baby, and Sarah has come around a little bit, to the point that she asked about him in her nightly count down of all her little and not so little friends. Every night she will ask me about all of the Hammonds, and Tilly, Anna, and Tom and i say they are asleep or watching TV or what every i think they might be doing...all the kids a are always asleep, even if they aren't! So on Thursday she asked baby? sleep? and i said yes he is. she did it every night since. cute huh. before she just kept telling me to put the baby on the floor, when we were around their house. nice huh. she'd say baby floor, and point. however by the end of the week she even asked to hold him...well for 3 seconds...then she wasn't interested any more. So there is hope that in the future i could have a second child...maybe. I'd need to be earning more money before i can think of a second one oh and maybe next time i will be married....maybe.
I'll post photos of the buggy soon.