Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sunday at the park and broken caterpillars

On Sunday Tom went to church..which rarely happens so it was really nice to see him there. After church we went to the park with Ann and Tilly, and ran into Heather, which is little to no surprise as it is next to her house. The kids had fun running about. Sarah is able to get on and off the seesaw as well as the lower rocking horse toy thing. She tried for ages to get on the slightly higher one but just wasn't quite tall enough!
This is what slides often look like in Taiwan, I forgot that they are strange as I've been here too long but when i first saw them i thought they were very weird. They are made of concrete but work quite well. They are a tad high and a tad scary when you first let your kid go on them, but Sarah does well by herself these days.

The other day Sarah came to me holding a small piece of wool /yarn, and told me broken mummy broken, i asked her what is, and she signed caterpillar broken. So cute. She thought that the wool was a dead caterpillar! bless her she is so caring.

1 comment:

The Accidental Mommy said...

How on earth do they slide on concrete? Looks like more kids use them to climb up. You are right, that really sounds and looks strange and unusual to me too!
That is so cute Sarah was playing save the bug with a piece of yarn! My girls are bug-phobic although I tried to not pass it down to them from me, I guess it didn't work.
I think it is awesome that you have taught Sarah signs! I did that with Teena and it was really amazing how well she did with it and how much it helped us as useless parents to figure stuff out.