Monday, April 6, 2009

We've moved!

So we've moved...well just over half the stuff.

Tom was able to move me on Saturday which was wonderful. He helped me (did most of the work) carrying all my stuff up 5 flights of stairs...which i can tell you isn't that much on Saturday it was hot (which it isn't now and hasn't been for ages).
My mate Maddy came over and took care of Sarah, also carried stuff up the stairs. That was great or I'd never get anything done. She hang around and helped me unpack a bit and get some dinner too..there is a vegi place just across the street from handy.  There is also a subway just around the corner, and the real subway/underground/tube/mrt...what ever you want to call it, is also just there around the corner..
This is a big improvement on where i was living, there was a single bus that came every hour...if your are lucky, and stopped running at 730 at night...not good.
The new place is about 15 mins by bus from the nanny and work so we get home just after 7 every night rather than 830...
We moved (well Tom) moved the stuff in two goes so i guess i have another two trips to do this weekend to get everything there. It's so strange waking up in a new place, in new bed (which is very Taiwanese and as hard as a rock..) In the night i went into the second bedroom thinking it was the bathroom...i was awake so i quickly realised that it wasn't (so no horrible mistakes!...that happened to my cousin when she was young and use to sleep walk..she went the wrong way and sat on her sister chair..and you know did what you do on the loo...funny...i guess not for my aunt!)
Sarah seems less unsettled then i thought which is good but i have a feeling its due to the fact that she currently has a cold and a bit of a temp. My mate and here kids have all been sick with this cold, so i was in no doubt that Sarah and i will get it soon enough. i have the fortune of not getting it yet...i am waiting. i hope Sarah is better before i get sick, or that i don't' get sick at all.
So, i don't have Internet at the new place, i don't have a land line ( or even a mobile as i left the charger...did i tell you i am a tad dippy?), i don't have any spoons ...why i forgot them i don't know i have knifes and forks and teaspoons..just no normal i ate porridge with a fork and Heather at it with a teaspoon...
(She came over this morning to see the new place, with lilli. so wonderful that she can now just pop over, before it was a whole day trip now its just 20 mins to my place. nice.)
I do however feel a bit like a student again as i am boiling water to make tea or to drink in a sauce i haven't got a keetle i need to go and get one.
Ok i am at work so i better check for spellings...and post.
Just so you know i am not dead, just moving house!


The Accidental Mommy said...

Yay- I am so happy you finally found a place! 5 flights- yikes- but once you are all the way in you won't hardly notice anymore. Ok so I will expect pictures soon but give you a break since all your stuff is in 2 places. Moving is a huge pain but I always had fun unpacking and finding new places for stuff. Plus opening the boxes always felt like opening a present, half the time I would forget what was in the boxes or threw a bunch of stuff in at the last minute.
Anyway, congrats! Sorry Sarah is sick- I feel that pain!

Lisa said...

Glad you're almost moved but sorry to hear y'all aren't feeling well.

Get well soon!