Friday, August 15, 2008

Crib gripes

Sarah is just 18months old and it would seem that she has out grown her cot already. She is a tiny little Taiwanese girl (19 pounds tops). So how can this be? I thought that she would be in if for ages (until 2 at least!) but last week she climbed out of it...yep all the way, only from one side as it has a drop down section so there is a horizontal bar half way up, perfect for a climbing. So i thought i would stop this by just place her bed with that side facing the wall. Cool she can't get out now, I watched her and she tried but nope she couldn't my idea worked. Great!
Then last night after leaving her to "cry it out" she stopped and then 30 mins later cried again. i thought i better leave her to cry it out or i'll never get her back on target. 2 mins later she'd stopped so all was well.
I thought, then an 20mins passed then she's screaming again so i go up to her to find that, nope she's not climbed out of the bed, but her leg has some how got majorly tangled in the railings... her knee and then her foot were trapped thus she was stuck there! Nightmare, i felt so guilty I'd left her there crying I don't know how long she'd been trapped there. Goodness only knows how she managed that one. I got her free of the rails but she'd never have been able to by herself.So i am ready to give up with the cot...but what i meant to do. She'll never stay in a bed! (She is active to say the least)I'm thinking of a travel cot?
Can i just ask why do they make cribs that do that, its stupid! Be warned, all of you who are planning on buying a crib..check out everything like the horizontal bar! I always thought they were badly designed as she was forever hitting her head/leg/back ect.. on the hard wooden rails, but that's nothing compared to being eaten by her cot!

I posted this on the manic mommies site and found out there is a thing called a Crib Tent...not only that but a woman on there doesn't want her's anymore and has offered it to me! how COOL is that. So she is posting it to Heather and Heather will bring it back with her to Taiwan!
Thank you Heathers! (the lady is also called Heather!)

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