Thursday, July 16, 2009

trip back home

life as a dyslexic:
Planning to go back to the uk in October..thought that the flights we well cheap...turns out what i was looking at is one way and for one adult.....oh dear when will i learn to read! back to the drawing board!


Heather Hammond said...

Oh no!!!! I'll be praying that it still works out somehow....that Sarah needs her extended family to knit her in!!!!

The Accidental Mommy said...

Ugh, the airlines do that on purpose, I know they do. They make it confusing on purpose. Is Sarah 2? You might be able to buy just one seat for both of you if she is 2 or under. They will expect her to sit on your lap (how long is that flight lol) but usually if there is even 1 open seat they will switch you around.

Paula Perry said...

sarah's 2 so i have to pay i guess. i think after they are 2years old thats it you have to pay as if they are going to use the doubt she won't even stay in it unless i strap her down.
Oh its so annoying i hate that its so confusing online. i get my hopes up and then dashed.

The Accidental Mommy said...

I looked up American Airlines (possibly not an option for you but generally airlines have similar policies). It says specifically a child 2 years and under does not need their own seat- so Sarah can sit on you until she is 2 years and 363 days old, or just prior to her 3rd birthday. There is a note that international flights require a ticket for the child which will cost 10% of the adult fare.
But again, it would be really, painfully uncomfortable for a long period of time. And, she will be squirmy and I would guess not terribly happy. Good luck!
I have also heard from my Aunt (worked for airline) that they will publish different fares in different countries. So maybe have your mom watch fares too, since it might be cheaper to buy a flight from there.