Saturday, December 19, 2009

Ok its cold here now

So its finally cold here...cold Taiwan cold mean 11 oC and colder inside than out due to no heating in the houses and it set up for hot weather...go figure. So this time of year i freeze to death and so does my skinny little girl..she's not so skinny these days but still she's cold even with many many layers of clothes on. bless her.
We were lying in bed (she came and joined me) the other day, it was cold don't want to get out from under the duvet. She said she wants to play a game, ok, so she pretends to shot things pow pow she goes, she tells me we are the water park and then goes on to tell me all the things she likes to do at the water park. Then she starts saying and and and mummy's boobies mummy's boobies wobble at the water park! i crack up laughing and so she repeats it of course. We haven't been to the water park since august but she still remembers everything..even things i didn't think she thought or my boobies wobbling! It was pretty funny, and i suspect it is an accurate observation!

1 comment:

The Accidental Mommy said...

Mine would float with all the padding.