Friday, September 12, 2008

Going to court!

So we have a court date; 21st october 2008...

The court date is to see a judge and for them to decide wether Sarah can be mine legally... 
Thus I am so excited but within the same breath scared (that doesn't do it justice really).

The terrible "what if's" run and run, if i let them so i try very hard not to. I try very hard to trust God will do what is right.  

Before the court date i will have to have my home study done as it's only been done for foster care, and thus needs to be re evaluated scary, it was fine last time but still scary. I hope that i can answer all the questions that they might ask me. Oh and that they don't mind cats...if they do or have allergies the interview won't go so well.. (one of my cats is overly friendly and doesn't care if you know her or not!)
I'm praying everything with the home study and the  courts will go smoothly and i'll be home for Christmas...

Tom is due back from his trip to England today so i am looking forward to seeing him as he's been gone two weeks, I've missed having him here and Sarah has asked/signed "thomas where" when ever we go to the lab, very cute. 
Sarah has also developed a new makes me crack up every time i hear it...i will try to record it as i don't know how long it will last, very funny.

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