So on the 21st October we went to court...
Scary stuff, i thought that Tom would go with me, but he had to play badminton for the Presidents cup..It's a big deal you know playing for the President of Taiwan ect...
So i thought i'd just go on my own, and then was told i really do need someone to go with me.
Tom really couldn't do it due to the fact that that evening (20th) he got really sick with some virus which both Sarah and i ended up getting later that same week..i can tell you it wasn't nice.
So my hunt was on for a translator...i had the morning to get someone. Thus panicked.
My friend Dayla (who has enough to deal with, 3 sons all under 3!) helped me out by brainstorming me who might be able to do it.
I emailed everyone but didn't want to bother Chad Hammond (Heather's Hubby) due to him being a "tad" busy... it was the week the franklin graham festival started, he's in charge, Heather was in Hong kong with the kids (had to leave for visa reason). So i was very suprised to Hear Heather on the end of the phone telling me that Chad might have someone to translate for me.
the upshot was that the lovely girl, Katherine ( ..katrina..not sure oh dear thats a bit rubbish off me.) Called me and met me with mins to spare before we went in. I just managed to tell her the history before we went into the was a close call. My thanks go out to her for dropping everything that she was doing to come and help me, someone that she doesn't know, and for free.
In the court it was Mega serious, so i was very very pleased i had a translator!
The judge was very formal and thus would not have spoken English even if he was fluent.
The result was that the court was postponed as the judge wants to see Sarah's birthmother and not a representative...which we had.
Sarah's birth mother is currently in Jail, thus we have to pay (3800 nt) to get her out for the day.
We go back to court on the 19th November...i pray for Sarah's birth mother as it will be really really hard on her to face this. She wasn't able to face meeting Sarah just before she went back in prison this September, now she has to do that and face the judge...whom i am sure will not be kind to her.
this is a link to a lovely interveiw Chad and Heather Hammond did on Taiwanese TV. I think its a lovely interview about Adoption and their love of Jesus Christ. I don't think it will be up there for long, so it may not work.
Its all in chinese (not the interview but the website) you need to click on the blue button to watch the video. It's the one with "chad and Heather Hammond" written amongst the chinese characters.