Friday, October 31, 2008

Sarah Stacks

So i put my head around the corner as Sarah's being really quite...normal isn't a good thing, in fact last week she'd draw all over the wall with a red crayon (it was water soluble so came off just fine). 
Anyway, this time i find she was stacking tins...i think maybe i should buy her some blocks to play with, as when these fall (which they did right after this photo) i think someone (Sarah or the cats) might get hurt. 
It is impressive how high she built it really, i mean she's not even 2 yet.
(oh and yes it's still hot here, hence the lack of T-shirt)


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

very good stackin girl! :) She is adorable! How old is she? Wow, I better be careful with can's! Noah is 18 months old, he may start that soon! :) heehee

Where are you? it is HOT here in Louisiana ON and off!

Paula Perry said...

Her birthday is 23 jan so she's about 1 year 10 months.
We are in Taipei, Taiwan
Thus she often in naked at home as it gets pretty hot, but we are surprised its still so warm in november.