Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Darn strangers being sweet and nice!

So good friends of mine left Taiwan last weekend, they are going home after being here for 6months adopting and fostering there youngest two boys...yes two. they did two at once...which is no mean feat, as adopting one is hard enough.
On Sunday i helped out and looked after their baby (he's like 7-8months old i think..) for an hour or so. 
So i took him, in a sling, to the local park with Sarah. Sarah loves parks but she loves the bigger kids more..however it seems the bigger kids weren't told!
So this Sunday she goes up to a bigger kid (i swear has to be an only child) who was playing in the park with little metal disk things (with pokemon or something on them) and Jenga blocks.... Of course Sarah rushs over and want to play with them and him...he yells at her no don't touch (in chinese of course). She's good and just looks, with her hands behind her back leaning over to get as close to them as possible...very cute. The boys Granddad was with him and gave Sarah a "toy" to play with, well a gun, that fires a ball. He then proceeded to teach my lovely little girl how too pull the trigger of a gun, and knock over Jenga blocks...nice!
The boy was not too amused and whenever they bulid something he thought was cool, Sarah and the Granddad were told to go to the other side and play...which they did until they build something again deemed cool and got moved!
I always thought that children here respected their elders...maybe this has broken down over the years as he clearly didn't.
Then yesterday Sarah was sat in one of those toys that you put money in and it moves and plays music..she's happy just to sit in it and never demands money. Along came a skinny old guy who was eating some fast food. and just lent over and put 10nt in the slot...and kept walking, i said thank you and he looked over his shoulder and  grinned... revealing his black, mostly missing teeth!
People can be really nice just out of the blue...little do either of the men know that i wasn't that happy about it, first a gun...i don't want her knowing about gun, not yet! As for the coin man, this was a lovely gesture, however now Sarah knows that these things play music and move!! Darn those strangers being sweet and nice!
ps after carrying around Declan, i thought wow i could do this again....what am i thinking! God has an amazing way to make woman love children and forget all about the nightmare it was to get them! (I can't speak for men as i am not one)


:)De said...

Thanks for visiting. It is hectic, fun, crazy, fun, challenging and fun to be a single parent. LOL! All of my children are adopted and I currently have a 6 week old baby that was just placed on friday evening.

I look forward to "meeting" you.


The Accidental Mommy said...

oh man, sweet and nice will get you!
Sounds like you really enjoyed having the baby around....

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

thanks for your comment on my blog :) Yes it is difficult the sleep issue. In answer to your question Noah will be 2 April 19th. :) If you ever want to email and share tips and baby stories my email is

Noah's mama