Tuesday, November 4, 2008

hunting for spiders..in the zoo

 looking for spiders
We as in Tom Sarah and I all went to the Zoo on Saturday. It's the first time i've had with Tom and Sarah alone in a long long time. We don't often get to do stuff at the weekends as Tom is busy with his folks, play golf and the alike. 
So when he said we could spend the day together we had to decide what to do. There was mountain climbing / hill climbing, there was cycling along the river and then the zoo. I figured that Sarah wasn't feeling so great so mountain climbing would entail me (or Tom) carrying Sarah up a mountain...(there's lots of Stairs its not really a mountain more a hill with a walk way). I ruled that out. So we tried to hire a bike with a kid seat...but no luck where we tried. So we went to the zoo. which happens to be next to the bike hire place so very convenient.
Sarah was asleep at the start and Tom and i got to chat about adaption of plant and animal and how it's all so amazing ect...(biologist talking!) 
Then she woke so we went to the insect house which is quite nice...bar the dead insects mounted on plagues. They have a butterfly area with real living butterflies...we spent most of the time in there. Sarah loved it and learnt the sign for butterfly (not 100% right but close!). She also went hunting for spiders. she loves spiders and calls almost everything small and black a spider! the love is all from Itsy bitsy spider song i guess. We got some lovely shots of the butterflies as you can get so close to them...they are a tad drowsy, which makes me question what they feed them! (can you tell i don't trust zoos...)

Sarah had a little bit of a fever the night before but was playing and seemed alright. She's been scratching her ear really badly (eczema) and i started to think maybe it was infected. she also had an enlarged gland behind her ear (a little lump that comes up often in kids it's the immune system working hard /over reacting). I wasn't too worried as she was acting quite normal..
later she seemed really hot, and started to act out a bit more and her ear was bright red. So we took her to the hospital near by to check she didn't need antibiotics for her ear. However it turns out she has a throat infection. Poor thing i didn't even have a clue she had a sore throat. its so sad when they can't tell you these things. so i gave her some ice (she loves eating ice) and some medication (pain killers) and she was feeling a little more normal.
Tom took us home and Sarah and i had a restless night, and didn't get to go to the franklin graham festival music night.

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