Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thanks giving, giving thanks

Ok, so i am celebrating Thanks giving this year at my good friend heathers house. I've not done it before so it's a little new to me. I also feel a little fake as i don't fully understand what it's all about.. from my point it looks a little like i am thankful that the pilgrims left England and found a new place, as we were sick of them....
I don't think that's true but you know it kind of feels like that.
Loads of people will be there, including an Ozzie friend of ours, so i'll not be the only non-american there..but i maybe the only Brit...(that they are thankful for leaving behind...)

I'm also a vegan so the big old turkey is a sad event for me to see, i'm use to it but still. I will also be keeping my darling daughter away from a lot of the "yummy" looking food as she's vegan too and is allergic to milk and egg anyway so even if she wasn't vegan there are no no foods. I will make a pumpkin pie for us, and anyone else that's interested to eat, i will also have apple pie she can eat too. Heather is always totally considerate and is putting together lots of vegan, Sarah, safe food so i suspect she'll be fine.
There will be a pot luck thanks giving a church on Sunday too but i don't think we will go, as there will be well very little, if anything, that we can eat and to see all the food and all the people eating it will be so hard for her as she doesn't understand...and nor would it seem do a lot of people that try to give her food and are offended when i take it off her or tell them "no thank you, she can't have that". Taiwanese culture is rather food oriented, to say the least..they eat a lot and they eat anything..so when they hand her biscuits or sweets or well anything i don't know what it is and i say "sorry but she can't have that" (and then in terrible chinese i try to explain why..) they feel hurt and rejected. i used to just take it and throw it away later, but now she's getting old, she's wise to the fact it's in the bag and wants in now..so i've started to say no. Which is not easy here...you have to say it about 5 times before they stop shoving it in her little hands and she gets more and more upset that she can't have it, and they  look at me like i am a mean mummy..which i am i guess...(i do always have snacks in my bag for this purpose and normally thats ok with her)
So tomorrow am cooking vegan pumpkin pie and roast potatoes...i tried to make potatoes last night and they came out well, much better than i thought as the potatoes here aren't great from mash, but they seem to roast pretty nicely..I have to make 4 batches as the Taiwanese style ovens are well very very small and a bit rubbish! As for the pie...i've never made pumpkin pie before and haven't eaten it since i was 9 years old...so we will see how that comes out!


The Accidental Mommy said...

LMAO, please don't take it personally! Those people who left just had no impulse control.

Heather Hammond said...

Some info for you....the Pilgrims (theirs is the Thanksgiving celebration) weren't the first to leave England for the 'new' land it was actually a British company that set out to broaden the Empire that settled in North American first, settling in Jamestown, Virginia (1607). The Pilgrims came (1620) later due lack of religious freedom, not liking the fact that they had to worship only in the Church of England. They requested English investors to help them establish a Bristish colony in the new world. Really it was about religious freedom and not just being fed up with Britian....the being fed up with jolly old England bit came about 150 years later. But you know how colonies are...rebellious (aka India, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland, Scotland) not unlike our children as they become teenagers and want to become their own people. So definately do not take it personally...the Pilgrims leaving eventually led to more religious freedom in your fair land....not a bad trade seeing as how you disposed of some dusgruntled souls (never fun to have about anyway) and now get to worship the way you want.