Wednesday, November 12, 2008

kodak moments...but no kodak!

So yesterday Sarah was so cute, and i didn't have a was "kodak moments", but i guess i will just have to remember it.
Two thing, one was she eat all her dinner...(this is not normal for her it's often a fight to get her to eat enough), when she finished i said well done, and went to pick something off the floor i turned around and i she was sat there SO proud with the bowl on her head! very funny. i don't know where she learnt to do that but it was funny as. She then said "Hat!" and was laughing at herself. ..needless to say i had to wash her hair as it was covered in noodle fragments!

Later i put her to bed and i sang a song i always sing, i stopped put her to bed and left. Then she started to cry so i went back in, she wanted to be held like a baby again (which she never did as a baby, and has only just started to let me do for longer than a min), so i rock her quietly and she takes the dummy out of her mouth and started to sing, interjecting with a few of the lyrics. So cute, she's never done that before. So i of course sang back to her, my little baby girl, who is getting so big so quick, it's truly amazing how fast they grow.

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