Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas day 2008

Christmas morning:

So this was our morning. We woke up...normal time as Sarah is blissfully unaware of the fact it's Christmas and that she will be getting presents...i am so glad of this fact, i am sure that next year she will know all too well what is happening!
So we get up and she finds a stocking...well my stripy sock.
Inside she finds a number of items, most of which are from around the house. one being a packet of biscuits...she must have seen them in the cupboard as when she pulled them out of the sock she told me, back mummy back...and tried to put them back in the cupboard...opps i didn't get away with that very well. She did this with the nuts too, she's pretty observant and smart really..more than i give her credit i think!
She found the orange and then she was happy, just wanting to eat that...yep my kid turns down chocolate biscuits for an orange. am i blessed or what!
Then it was time for her main present from me (it was her only present from me to be frank the other thing i got her was a set of jigsaws from the supermarket that cost about a quid!).  

So I'd "wrapped"her present in a bag that Sarah (my mate, not my daughter) made me a couple of years ago (she's wrapped her present to me in it). Well i normally use said bag to keep nappies in (its pretty covered in festive stuff, but is about the right size for 3 nappies). So sarah sees it and says, nappy nappy?? yes she thinks i've given her nappies for Christmas...along with biscuits and nuts  from the cupboard!
Then she open it and says, knit knit knit?? and reaches to put it in my knitting/ sewing box (i've been knitting and sewing all the gifts i've given to little people this year). then she says Socks? Socks? which point i am feeling a little bit like a terrible mother, but it's also funny. I then pull the whole thing out so she can see it all, and quit telling me what she thinks it is!
Then she says...SPIDEY spidey..and gets all excited.
I'd made her a spider from a pair of her old, too small tights, and her pink babygro (onesie). I don't have a photo of it to hand..i will take one tonight. i was too busy trying to help her get it open when she was opening it to take a photo! I'd stayed up till 2 that morning making the thing..i wish i was more organised!
Mum and dad sent her a parcel too, with crisps and vegan "smarties" in it, along with my little pony esc horses and hair stuff..she put the hair band on herself...can you tell?
Next year..i will try to be.
We then went to The Hammond's, for the rest of the day. which was great, so nice to spend it with friends and little kids. Sarah had a ball with all the kids new toys. 
For lunch we kept it dead simple and had soup and rice, which meant that we (Heather and i) didn't spend much time cooking, when we did the kids got to watch the computer with was a cute side to see all the kids on his lap. so cute! I also got a vegan Christmas cake made, which was nice (not very Christmas cake like inside but they did a good job on the outside!). Heather also brought crackers which was great, but no one bar me know what to do with them...which i found a tad strange. the kids loved the of course..well little Lilli was scared of them but Sarah and the others like them.
In the evening we went out for a meal before church and Sarah had so much fun being loved on by some teenager that where there. It was really lovely to see, she was so happy Hamming it up for them. Its unusual as normally western kids would get all the attention and Sarah often gets ignored, but not this time. So cute.
We went to carols (chinese) in the evening Sarah climbed on the stage several times, as did my mates daughter mia. Very cute. 
We stayed the night at Heathers which was a blessing as we were 10 pm we all went to bed!
And that was Christmas 2008.

Christmas afternoon:

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