Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The weekend

To start i should say Happy birthday to Heather and her daughter mia...they have the same birthday so heathers just disappears...poor thing. hope you have a good one.

So the weekend went well, he is a good little thing that loves just crawling around the floor chewing on lions,frogs and cheetahs...very cute.
Sarah loved having him around and the five flights of stairs weren't too bad...well they weren't great the first night as i had lots of stuff to carry too.
so i said things went well..and they did until Sunday night..
On Sunday night Sarah picked up Asher's bottle, by the teat, which isn't really a problem but it dropped on the floor...they gave us glass bottles due i guess in part by this stupid bispheonal A stuff (plastic leaching into the milk and causing all sorts of problems with...in fact they haven't found out what it might do, they haven't even found out if it really does leach if you don't boil it for hours)...but they changed just in case, i guess!
So of course we have tiles and of course the bottle smashed really smashed, glass splinters were EVERYWHERE, Sarah was standing there and i could see her feet were bleeding. I told her don't move DO NOT MOVE, and for once she listened and didn't. Praise the Lord, as i just kept thinking if she moved we'd have ended up in hospital.
i had to put Asher down somewhere that he wouldn't get hurt (of course he was screaming his head of as he was hungry and annoyed I'd dumped him.)
Sarah looked at her feet and started screaming too, i picked her up and showered her feet checked for glass in the cuts (thankfully there wasn't any). I ask myself why does this stuff always happen to me, Tom would tell me that it's because i do too much, i personally think that's rubbish but maybe he is onto something, or i have the worst luck...and i don't really belive in luck.
Sarah's cuts were bleeding a lot but were small and only one needed a plaster. Asher was safe.I dumped them both in the bedroom and went to work cleaning up the WHOLE of the living room.
I haven't felt like a cigarette in a long time but boy i thought that would be nice..i ate chocolate instead (a poor substitute).
Sarah was good and obedient and i am so pleased as if she wasn't it would have been a trip to the A+E (ER) for us. It scared me and it made me wish i wasn't on my own..(as in the only adult).
That night was a nightmare, after i cleaned up, i fed the kids (in the bedroom) and put them to bed. Asher screamed and screamed...he did not want to sleep. Sarah wanted to sleep but was upset by Asher...
When they finally went to sleep i cleaned again checking every inch of the living room on my knees! night mare!
So i will take asher again this weekend, minus the glass bottles! sarah likes him and is very cute to play with him, she even asked about him when we pray (if i don't say his name or i don't say Heathers name..she reminds me!) She also reminds me to pray before breakfast...which i've never done before but she seems to think we should and i guess it's a meal like the others but i just never thought about it. She's funny with her little praying hands and saying Amen. Cute.


The Accidental Mommy said...

That is so cute she reminds you to include her favorite people in prayers!
I wouldnt worry too much about the bottle disaster. That kind of stuff happens all day every day. Seriously, you are a great parent if something like that hasnt happened before! Its the curse of 2 children I tell you, 2 is wayyyyy more than twice the work.
Happy it went well otherwise!

Lisa said...

Sweet that she remembers others. Signs of a kind heart. Glass....oh yeah...it's a miracle it hasn't happened before.