Saturday, April 18, 2009

I'm alive!! just not online...

so i don't have internet i don't have a phone...i feel very very isolated from the rest of the world, however living here in my new place i am the most in touch with my friends here that i have ever been, as i can just pop over to peoples houses without have to plan the whole day. It's so nice to be able just get up walk out the house and be in the city, i mean before i had one shop that was open when it felt like it...and that was it. I had to get a bus or a lift to get anywhere, now Sarah and i just walk to the mrt and can be anywhere in the city without an hour wait for a bus that may or may not turn up.
Saying all this i really can't wait till i can get some sort of internet here, then i would be well happy.
Sarah's been really screaming everytime i left her a the new nannies since she started, it was breaking my heart to leave her she was clinging to me like a little monkey, and the nannie and i had to prioy her off me. However on wednesday we had a break through, she cried just a little bit, then thursday she didn't cry at all, and again yesterday. So i guess she's finally getting use to it now, and knows i am coming back. i guess that she had so much to deal with in these past couple of weeks, we've moved house, moved nannies, changed routines, and she's been sick with you know she has every reason to scream i guess. She's also be so darn grumpy..why do they throw a fit about every little thing, it drives you crazy. Like seriously she wanted to give something back to tom ( a lid to a can..) which i happened to think is a little too sharp for her to be picking up so i say no...she flips out really screaming fits over a lid....of course i give her a time out, where she contiues to scream for about 10 mins. Sometimes i just don't know what to do about these fits of screaming, i guess the best thing is to ignore them, not give in to them, and give her time outs to calm down...any other suggestions??
What do you do when your kid isn't feeling great and you don't want to give in to every wim that they have?
Today Sarah's been feeling better i guess as she's been being really sweet, laughing, joking, and being a little sweety pie. She's taken to pretending a lot, so she talks and feeds her toys (regardless of if they are animals or objects!). she was in love with my yoyo card (which is a travel card) she was sleeping with it, talking to it, kissing it...yes i said kissing! she's so funny. she's now back in love with her plastic coins, she is back to sleeping with one of them now...whcih i have to say is far harder to find in the bed than a card....She like to put it between her toes (Ms Heather showed her that one), tonight she was trying to put it between spot's (her toy cat) toes..he doesn't have any toes but she still played the game like he did. so cute.
she also has started to put more words together, she says i love you, which sounds more like i lurloo. she also said Jesus loves you tonight for the first time, very cute. We pray every night and she aways says Ahem at the end, tonight after the prayer she said again and then prayed by herself...but it was just laarlarr...Ahem. Cute none the less, i am sure God knows what she's on about even if i don't!
Ok so i've written for ages, i have much more to say, so many things have i will just back date my posts a bit...


Lisa said...

Please email me so I can invite you.

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Wow girl! praise God you have friends close by with no internet and no phone!

big hugs to yall
Noah wants his little brother SOON!

The Accidental Mommy said...



Sounds like your new house is great. Sounds like Sarah has a little seperation anxiety with all the changes. Sounds like she is just adorable as usual!

happy you are still alive!

Unknown said...

Sarah also says *water* and *apple-juice*

so cute!