Thursday, June 11, 2009


I've noticed that what ever the season is there is always tons of washing to do. In the winter it is colder, and of course there is way more clothes to be warn and thus to be washed. In the summer we may well wear less clothes, but they stink up pretty darn quickly, so even if you are just wearing a little top and short you have to change them everyday if not twice a day, thus creating more washing. The other thing that happens in the summer is you go out swimming or to the beach (which i hope to be doing more of this year no i know that there is a beach close by) and that creates a load of washing on its own. I guess spring and Autumn aren't too bad, but seriously God has to love watching us do washing as it would seem that He has conspired to make it a never ending process...
Tom would say to me "More laundry? You just did a load last week" This might be true but as long as we keep wearing clothes we are going to have to keep washing the darn things, over and over again. I am just totally grateful to my new apartment that has a washing machine and has a covered porch so i don't have to lug them to a laundrette (which is what tom use to help me do) and i don't have to use a tumble drier which is way nicer(ok so I've not been there in the winter yet so things may well change on that front). As it stand I'm well happy with the situation, take last night, i put the washing in when i got home hung it up to dry before i went to bed and hey presto it was dry when i woke up and i could wear the same clothes again..but clean.
Got to love living in a hot place!

1 comment:

Living the Good Life said...

I am so with you on the washing! The weather man said it would be in the upper 90's here, but feel more like 105. Think we will stay in our swim suits all day and just jump in an out of the pool as desired! That should cut down on my washing for today! :)
Love your post!