Thursday, August 13, 2009

Typhoon days

So we're alive..yes we had a Typhoon...well Taiwan had one, Taipei's version was rather lame to say the least. We (well Wolfgang, my exboss and i) joke about saying that typhoons are so lame here and that we really don't think we've seen a typhoon till we see cars flying and trees falling down. i have yet to see that and praise The Lord that i haven't. However they make a big old fuss here in the city and it never really hits the city (touch wood ect..)
So we had Friday off work due to the typhoon, i was asked to collected Asher from the orphanage on Thurday, before we knew for sure we would have the day off ( i took a chance as they often will call a day off if it looks like it will hit Taipei)

Friday came, it was a bit windy and there was rain..but not so bad. I noticed Ashers milk powder was low and i new (the news said it) that the tyhoon would land on Saturday and that the morning would be the best time to get out and get it...
so we did, 9 o'clock the kids and i went out on a mission to get some milk powder, not really sure the shops would be open but betting that they would. Sarah sat in the buggy nice and dry (with the rain cover on) her feet which now stick out. Asher was in the sling with Sarah's old raincoat on, and we walked. Lots of cars were parked up on the pavement so we had to walk in the road..the wind was wistling and the rain was coming down, as i walked in the road carrying one baby and pushing another....i thought what a sight i must be. Locals looked at me like i was mental or didn't know that there was a typhoon coming..we ignored them and pressed on. It was fine really not a big deal, we even stopped and got fruit and veg from the market...then the wind picked up i figured we should head home.
So we stayed inside and did craft..well i did, Sarah drew / scribbled while Asher ate everything.. crayons, chewed pens, and distroyed Sarah's "art work", (by eating it of course). if it wasn't Asher messing the game or craft up it was the kittens..they where everywhere in to everything, including eating anything that was put down down for 30secs... aggghh.
I cleaned what felt like endless poop from nappies, litter trays and the floor...aggh again to the stupid kittens!!
Cabin fever was getting really bad (for me) and i looked outside the rain was no more than a drizzle, so we went out again. Yep, i took the kids out even when the typhoon was just about to land. we didn't go far just across the street to the "Green store" This is not green as in enviromentally aware, no just green lables and cheap stuff. like a massive pound store/ dollar store. its cool Sarah loves it as do i, you can get everything there..really everything. very cool. we stayed there for like an hour brought a couple of things and went back home..i felt proud that we didn't watch any tv but then i gave in and i watch a crappy oldish moive on the box..then Tom came to see us and Sarah loved the chance to play with him, i was well into the rubbish movie so was a terrible host..then the wind picked up so tom left
Needless to say we are fine, Saturday was not so bad really kind of better than friday. The same is not to be said in some parts of Taiwan. I am just very glad that we didn't get hit by the typhoon, but you know one of these days we will and i will not belive it. Too many times have the govement/weather people cried wolf to us in Taipei city..i'm sure i'll be court short one day.


Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

Glad yall are safe! I have prayed for all of Taiwan through this, especially Tainan! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Nice to know someone reads it! :)


The Accidental Mommy said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe you went walking about out in the rain! Crazy!

Anna said...
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Anna said...

guess who went op shopping yesterday and bought a million gazillion buttons ??? big ones, blue ones, little ones, all kinds of ones..... the buttons being for your craft box of course!!