Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Pneumonia not H1N1 (we pray!)

Sarah has had a fever since Saturday night, not too high to start with but on Monday pretty bad.
So on Monday night i thought this is really too high for too long, so i took her to the dr on Tuesday.
She wasn't herself to say the least but after she had calpol (pain killer, Tylenol ect) she was fine. She was coughing a bit but not much and no runny nose ect.
the dr looked at her and said he couldn't see anything (ie in her throat,ears, or hear in her chest) so he sent us for an xray. Sarah wasn't too happy with the xray as they made her take off her ABC top (which really says Gap or something like that!) So we went back up to see the dr and he looked at the xray and said she has pneumonia...great isn't that the first sign of the H1N1 virus?? How ever she doesn't have any flu like symptoms at all, she just has a fever and a cough so we are praying that is all it is...
We will see if it clears up now she's on antibiotics. they told me to rush her is to the hospital if she is struggling to breath...yeah because i'd just keep my kid at home not able to breath! (not!)

The other thing is after i got medication down her and she was all chirpy aggain, we went to get her passport from the office which is just down the road from the hospital. So now Sarah has a passport, i can leave the country with with finally. It's great it has her Chinese name is written Chinese(of course (its a taiwanese passport) and in "English" phonetically, the second character starts with X which i think is well cool!! haha. What i like the most is it also has a section in it where is says AKA and then her full English name, real English name is written, this is the first really document with that name in it. Cool huh.


The Accidental Mommy said...

Congratulations- your first official papers! Now you have to go somewhere with it!!
Teena had h1n1 and spiked a horrible fever, she went from normal to 103 in about 1 1/2 hours. When Genea had it, she had a mild fever for several days, on and off. I had no fever. Crazy flu!

Heart said...

Greetings! This is the first time I visited your blog. I am also on a journey with adopting a child from Taiwan.

Sorry to hear that your daughter is sick - I am glad to hear that it is not H1N1. I hope she gets better soon.

It is strange that you mention pneumonia in your blog, after the typhoon occurring. (I was also in Taiwan at the time it happened but returned to the US a week after it hit. )

My wife, our adopted child, my father-in-law and mother-in-law all came down with bronchitis right after the typhoon.

Be sure to get a second and third opinion. After my wife bringing him to see 2 doctors, they ended up in the ER - our adopted child was hospitalized for a 9 days for bronchitis. He is much better now.

Nuno Job said...

Sorry to tell you but pneumonia is far more deadly than h1n1. Most h1n1 related deaths are because of pneumonial infections...