Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Zoo days

So for the record i dislike zoos, i hate seening animals in cages at the best of times but in zoos where they are in zoo 27/7 it just doesn't seem right particular if they don't belong in that country (too hot, too cold ect...)

Saying all this Taipei zoo isn't too bad..its bad yes but not as bad as some i saw growing up (there's been a big gap from when i was a little kid to now as i refused to go to zoos most of my adult (teen) life.

Taipei has a few cages, but mostly inclosers...(big cages basically without wire bars). Taipei zoo also has a lot, a lot of space. its great as the city is over crowed, (no one lives in a house everyone lives in flats that are over 5 stories high, and right next door to another flat...think council astate in london).

The zoo however is very spacey and has lots of nice little path ways and wooded areas. you can go there and not really see the caged board animals.

So i take my little one to the zoo. She's at the age where walking is great fun and running is even better...don't know how long that will last but currenly she loves running and walking everywhere. She also is a big fan of plants, which is wonderful for me as she would rather be looking at the plants growing next to the animals than the animals...unless its a cat or dog then its a different story!

So we have been to the zoo a record breaking 3 times in a year! thats amazing for me as i can't even remeber the last time that i went to the zoo. We have been with Heather and her family (who we miss alot!!) Natasha (we also miss) and Maddy (we don't miss her, she is still here, yeah! )
Taipe zoo is very cheap (not sure thats a good thing for the animals but good for my pocket) and sarah loves to run around. So we get a nice day out where its not over crowed with kids (like the public parks), has no cars (like everywhere else in Taipei) and is cheap.

Thus i am now a zoo goer but avoid looking at the animals or i feel really sad and wish i wasn't there.

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