Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New Clothes from England!

My mum sent Sarah some new clothes and they fit her perfectly...all be it that they are for 9-12months...she is almost 18.

They look so great on her as they are bright and cool, perfect for the summer.

It's so lovely that i never have to buy clothes for her as i get so many "hand-me-downs", and my mum manages to get great outfits for her.

It seems a shame as i guess they are made in China, shipped to England, and then my mum posts them back to China..well Taiwan.

However its great as i think its difficult to get lovely clothes here, unless you pay a fortune. Oh how i love the French kids clothes shop..wow they are so cute and pretty. However I'd have to take out a loan in order to buy anything from there. Its still nice to look at mind!

Here's some photos of her in one of the outfits...they aren't the best photos but she really won't stay still for her photo these days. She just wants to grab the camera!

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