Monday, July 21, 2008

first baked beans on toast

On Saturday (19th July) both Sarah and i were sick of being sick she had a fever for 4 days,and not been sleeping well or eating well. So i reached for comfort, easy, food. So we had baked beans on toast, it was Sarah’s first time to have it, which is late in life really, as at home we grew up eating it almost every week.

However it's a different story here and i don't get to eat them much as they are hard to come by and if i can get them they are SO expensive i can't justify the cost (over a quid for a small can). Caroline (my Australian sister) was so kind to bring me a couple of cans over when she came to visit, along with other scrummy stuff that i can't get here like licorice, Vegemite, lentils. ect..strange things that you can't really buy here with out paying threw the nose for simple things..i mean we use to use lentils to make pictures with when we were kids, here it way to expensive for that!

So we had them and they were delicious…(thank you Caroline!) it has to be said that Sarah wasn't overly impressed, which is a shame...I guess I need to feed her more baked beans or she'll never learn to love them!

1 comment:

Heather Hammond said...

She is changing so fast- gorgeous doll! Lili and Sarah will be unrecognizable when we get them together again. Lili has taken to biting as her means of defense against the other 6 sibs and cousins always hanging about...hopefully she will be past that stage when we return. Missing you both!