Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Baby sister is having a baby

So my baby sister, Louise, is having a baby.

Strange but true.

I was convinced that she would give birth yesterday (she is due around the 25th), to my knowledge she hasn't yes so i pick the 17th.

It's so strange when your little sister get pregnant, and you don't even get to see her pregnant. its so strange to think the next time i see her she will have a little girl. It doesn't seem that long ago when dad took us to the hospital on a Friday (the 13th!) morning before school to go and see our baby sister. She had jet black hair, lots of it too, and no teeth...this is no surprise to most people but when i was 9 i asked "where are her teeth?" the family laughed at my naivety but i thought it was a valid question. I was so excited to have a little baby sister. I helped to choose her name and was so pleased that mum and dad agreed...ok so i got the second name not the first but still. Louise Melanie March Perry was a cute black haired baby. Her hair later at about a year was very blond...weird really, it went darker by her teens...and then went all the colours of the sun (from a bottle this time mind!)

Well i wonder what her little one will look like? i can't wait to find out but i guess i will have to wait longer than i thought.

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