Friday, March 6, 2009

Bloggers Etiquette

So my blogger friend (Essie over at Accidental mommy, i looked for the post but failed to find it sorry ) did a post about this a while ago, but i'd like to say a few words on the subject too as i had been baffled by how to do some things on here
First of all i always wondered how on earth i reply to questions left on the comments page of a post, and how do i receive answers from questions that i have written. Well just the other day i was reading a comment from someone that posted 2 comments, the first was about the blog post, the second said oh i forgot to tag it the conversation so i had to pop back. this got me thinking... I am sure that most people out there are fully aware of this option but being me i failed to notice that you can in fact tick a box that says:
I had never noticed this option before and i guess this is how people get my replies if i just add a comment. It also means that i can see what other people write in response to my comments. how good is that..why did someone out there never tell me this...maybe cause its so obvious they never thought that i wouldn't notice.
So thats one thing i have learnt this month! nice huh.
The other thing with blog etiquette is if someone is kind of hiding the add comment link does it mean that they don't want me to comment? or just that they didn't know that its kind of hidden??
is an example of this...may i should just ask them.
Also why do many of you use fake names for you kids? is there a reason for this? of course from this question you can tell that i don't...i don't know how to do that (ie i don't have enough imagination to come up with names...hense my blog has my own name in it.)
I understand if the kids are in social welfare system, but if they aren't is there a reason that i just don't know? please someone enlighten me on this... but it would be a bit late to change Sarah's name now...
Ok i'm off, its raining out there so i am not looking forward to leaving to be honest. Yesterday was so nice and today well wet and miserable. never mind, i guess it will get better soon.


Sarah said...

Are you talking about missing the icon that looks like a speech bubble? For the Anatomy of a Family blog... you just click on the "x comments" link and it takes you to the commenting area. Most blogger blogs that have custom designs don't have speech bubble icons... and you just click on the "x comments" link to make your comment.

I don't understand the whole thing about using fake names on one's blog. I think it is REALLY confusing... and it turns me off and makes me not want to read. If people really are worried about their privacy... why in the world do they have a public blog???? I say make it private or use a different where you can password protect your posts.

I have three rules for my privacy in blogging. I don't use our last name, I don't say the name of the town we live in, and I don't talk about what I do for a living. Everything else is pretty much fair game.

The Accidental Mommy said...

I knew about the email follow up check box, but most of the time I can't get in to make a comment unless someone else did first, and I can click on that.
My girls have stage names on my blog. One daughter has an unusual and highly findable name. The other because there are many people who live in town here that were part of her first family. Most of them did not approve of the disruption and several of them tried to adopt her themselves (but none were able for various reasons). Those are my reasons. Probably overkill on my part, but no sense opening it up and making it easy.
For answering questions I usually try to answer right there in the comment section. Don't know if that is the accepted or not but it works for me!

Tami and Bobby Sisemore Family said...

wow! Learn something new every day!

Noah's mama