Monday, March 16, 2009

Weekend and nanny update

So this weekend we spent it with The Hammonds again, this time however i feel that i let the side down a little. I was a little out of sorts and i didn't really help out at all. i have come away from this weekend thinking that i was more trouble than a help, a little like the extra short people in The Lord of the Rings that went along to "help" frodo take the ring to that place, but in fact held him up some what as they all had to be carried by normal sized people...(can you tell i am not the biggest Lord of the Rings fan, i just watch it last night, well a bit of it). I don't know what got into me, well it was "that" time of the month, so i guess it could just be that. I am also worrying about finding a good nanny, a nice house, and how on earth will i afford all of it ( i need to wait to get my finance back on track after leaving one job and starting another, you know it's a waiting game). I (well Grace that i work with) found one nanny that i will use in April if i can't find anything better, she's alright but not perfect...or as good as the current one. She has two of her own children that come home half way through Sarah's stay there, which is fine. i met them, they are about 4-6 years old one boy and girl. They were in the pjs (so pretty Taiwanese). I just can't get past the fact that she has these old mickey and Mini stuffed toys that looked about 20 years old and never been washed. I just have a feeling that it's not that clean you know. It looked ok, cluttered but alright, but i think to myself, if i was having someone over to interview me for a job i'd wear nice clothes and straighten up the if this was her at her best...well lets just say i really hope it wasn't! Those mickey and mini dolls get to me, and the fact that her kids pjs were old, stained an rather shabby (but they can afford other nice things such as a beutiful big key board that Sarah loves)...and her husband was overweight...that shouldn't factor in but somehow its something i keep thinking about. I am way to quick to judge i know, i hate that i am so judgemental, i remember i thought her last nanny was a mess too...but she turned out to be very sweet and really loved/loves Sarah. which is way more important than a clean neat house...PLUS i am not that clean and really not tidy at all! house is normally a tip, but compared to these two people, my house pretty tidy. I however grew up in a house where there is way way too much STUFF and too much dust and too much dirt...i came out just fine, if not a little messy.
SO i will shut up, and wait to see what happens. It's very close to the school so i will get to spend way more time with Sarah than i do now so that is a big big bonus. Now i just need a house to go with the nanny....


The Accidental Mommy said...

I HATED lord of the rings. It was the only time I ever fell asleep in a movie theater.
Finding child care is a nightmare. We have always been lucky that we have had good people. I have way higher standards for my kids than myself. I don't think it is judgemental, you have to take in the entire picture to make a decision that is crucial. It is so hard to find people. You just never know. Scary!

Paula Perry said...

yes i feel asleep too in the theater watching that! how funny. as for child care its tricky right. you can never really know what you've got tell you use them for awhile and then you still don't really know what they do with your kid...if you kid can't talk yet.