Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trolls and Torina

So i am sure that most of you know but i just want to make sure that if you read it that you can carry on...she has a lot of wisdom does that Torina

A troll nearly ate Torina and she is now hiding under the bridge at a Busy Intersection. Her blog, as a result, is now private and you will need a password to get in. If you are a reader, you can email her at torina.busyintersection at yahoo dot com for access.

I just want to ask, why do people do that? i mean why do people say horrible things that make other people feel so terrible. This guy obviously wanted to get people riled up about something so that people would visit his site i guess...i didn't go there don't want to give him that pleasure. It happened to someone else that i read too she was told that, basically, that she was a terrible ungrateful mother because....she let her kid watch TV! ...yer right. It's so sad, she end up feeling terrible and they guy carried on telling her why he thinks this...i again gave him no traffic, and in the end she won as she got so much more traffic on her blog as a result of this guy and the outrage he caused.

I hope that these trolls (bullies) never come here...if they do i guess i will also be upset by them, it's hard not to be even if you know they are doing it just to get to you. its like being a school, again...its like what lisa said...i think it was lisa, about being in the in crowd at school. I don't care too much about that aspect...the people that do read my blog and comment make me feel really good as i didn't think anyone would read this when i started out, i just wanted to write it for a way to vent and for Sarah when she gets older to have a record of what she/we did. But you know what i was so happy the other day as i found out that Dawn Davenport, yes from Creating a family, looked at my blog and commented!! when i saw that i was a little like wow, that is so cool. I was a little star struck, i don't think i have ever commented on her blog as i was always intimidated by it, but now i will comment away!


Torina said...

Thanks Paula!

Paula Perry said...

your more than welcome..i'm sorry about your evil troll.

Lisa said...

I'm still pretty po'd about that horrible, mean, little man. Mean people suck!

It's so sad that so many people won't be helped because of one sniveling little jerk. I totally understand that she wants to be private, I would too, but it just stinks.

I totally get the intimidation factor! Have a fantabulous day Paula!

Ramona said...

I've tried to find constructive reasons why people leave nasty comments on un-nasty blogs and I just can't seem to find one. I'm sure the nasty commenters are insecure people with lower than low self esteems. They leave nasty comments for people they're jealous of simply to make the bloggers feel as bad as they do. This in mind, it should be a little easier to weather the nastiness.

BTW - Love your blog!