Friday, March 27, 2009

Seriously, scabies!

Seriously, SERIOUSLY...scabies...
i never thought that i would get rarely ever hear about it in the uk.
I had nightmares last night, all involving things living under my or Sarah's skin. In the nightmare they were big things the size of a shrimp but with sharp spins and they were all under the surface of the skin but you could see them as the skin had blistered up and there they were in the bubble..., when it burst they would start to crawl out...
I am so glad that we don't live in the commune that Lisa talked about, i'd love it but this would mean all your darlings may have been infected. gross. i am so embarrassed, i feel like a woman that has VD and i have to go and tell everyone that I've slept with...but this is somehow worst as i have to tell everyone that Sarah has touched...well maybe not but certainly all my close friends, and nanny...I feel horrible about it. I pray that no one gets it from us or i'd feel even worst.
Sarah and i have spend the last few weekends at Heathers house, Sarah has slept in her kids bed and bathed with her i might have infected her kids. grim! I am sure that she will be more cautious about who she is friends with! To be honest she's been lovely about the whole thing, but still it can't be nice to hear that your kids might be infected with Scabies...gross.
I am just glad that i don't have any really close friends that are Taiwanese, i mean that i spend time at their house playing with their i have a feeling they'd be more freaked out about they freak out about lots of things like that.
As for treatment...i am sat here, (smelling of scabies lotion) waiting for a ton of laundry to wash..and then tumble dry...but being Taiwan, the Internet savvy place it is, i have Internet right here...and for free cool right?! The treatment is a cream for Sarah a lotion for me. For Sarah i have to cover her head to toe in it every night for 7 days...i got two tubes and have finished one you think i went a bit over board on the first application?? maybe. i guess i need to get some more and use less tonight. i have to cover myself in the lotion stuff that is really meant for head lice. (but i don't get to wash it out after 6 mins). i have to apply it to all my body bar my head and face (they told me it is too strong to use on your head and face??(but it's meant for lice i don't understand that one). I also don't get it surely they (the little bugs) will just go to the top of my head where there is no bug killer??no? who knows i just hope they all die soon..(coming from a vegan this isn't very nice but come on even the best vegan would want the dead no??)
So Sarah's gone to the nannies stinking of cream with funny sticky looking hair (the cream has to go in the hair), and is still itching...gross.
The good thing is that now we know what it is...and maybe she will start to sleep better at night, the doctor told me that they like to come out at night and move around (ie bite more at night) which maybe why she is always so itchy at night and thus not being able to sleep. poor thing ,i feel bad for her it can't be nice..i have it but i guess just one as i only have a few bites and i can tell you it's darn itchy! They did say that it looks like she only has a few bugs on her as she doesn't have tons of bites so that's a good thing...maybe easier to kill them all...maybe not.
oh i'll take a photo of the diagram they showed lovely.


Lisa said...

Oh Paula. I'm so sorry. And now I'm itching all over.

Paula Perry said...

sorry i didn't mean to make you are the other side of the world so i can't have given it to you :0) (you are thanking The Lord that you are the otherside of the world right now!!)

The Accidental Mommy said...

Naw, in our commune, Genea would have already given over the lice to everyone. Now, we would be even lol.
Wow, that many days to treat it, horrible!
And you are right it makes no sense that Sarah gets her med stuff on her head, and you don't. I have heard that though that the med is too powerful to put it on your face. But hers goes on her head?
Come to think of it, maybe we would all abandon the commune and find another place for it.

Heather Hammond said...

Poor dear! We are alright. The doc said Lili has..... mosquito bites....yeah I felt silly. Better safe than sorry.