Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For the love of broccoli

so i have 2 days left as a scientist...wow it's amazing that i won't be doing this every day. 
I will however carry on doing some science stuff as i hope/pray/plan that i will finish my thesis in the mornings while Sarah still goes to day care (all day). When i am done then i will get to spend way more time with her, and i have that to, hopefully, keep me motivated. I need to finish it even if i never work in science again. 
i have to sort out all this stuff at work, stuff as in work as well as just a lot of things that i have at work that i need to clear out throw out ect... that's no mean fait as i'm rather messy/disorganised and thus have tons of junk in and around my desk (both in and out of the lab) so i need to do that really. i am hoping that a fairy will come and wave a wand. I totally understand my blog friends daughter who wants a wand that really works. i do to! none of this plastic pretend stuff one that goes poof and it's all clean.

I guess that isn't going to happen and thus i need to get my finger out (out of what i don't know but out of something*). However i just want to read blogs and look at photos. Here's some of Sarah eating a chocolate biscuit, which is funny as she doesn't really eat them often and in fact when she saw some broccoli that was left over from dinner she threw down the chocolate cover biscuit in favor of the broccoli. my kid is SO cool. She didn't want the biscuit back after either...but she wanted more broccoli. What kid does that?? answer, mine.

*if you are an adam and joe listener then you will know they were talking about this too. if your not it's a pretty funny podcast from the bbc.


Lisa said...

Great pics! I love that she loves broccoli.

The Accidental Mommy said...

What cute photos! That is so cool she wants broccoli over chocolate- wow- you get a Mom of the Year for that one!

Torina said...

Your daughter is pretty, even with chocolate all over! That is one to keep to show her boyfriends when she is a teenager!

AdoptaMama said...

Adorable pictures! I have one that loves broccoli, another that tolerates it, but neither would ever choose that over chocolate cake! Congratulations on your 'Got ya' day! And also, HaPpY BiRtHdAy to Sarah! I'm anxious to go back and read your story from the beginning.

Also, I must say I'm finally glad to know who my reader from Taiwan is. I've been seeing that pop up on my live feed, but never knew who it was. I've actually been to Taipei. My sister and her family lived there for two years and my brother-in-law flew me out there as a surprise for her when she was getting pretty homesick. It was a great time. Once I got over the constant stinky sewer smell, that is. Ewww.