Monday, February 23, 2009

Tilly Tots vomitus maximus!

On Sunday little Tilly Tot got really sick, i mean she threw up. We were in Subway and she seemed just fine and then bamm, vomitus maximus. The poor little thing, we had nothing to catch it in and no time to catch it. so she had to vomit all over the floor, table and herself. Sarah, still eating i might add, looked over and said oh mess mess! what sympathy she has! i was yelling at her no, don't come over her no...she was pretty good and stayed out of the way. I started to strip Tilly down to her underwear, so her mum could hug her. she was really brave but still so sad. I'd told the subway guy (like he couldn't see it, it's the smallest subway ever and we were right next to the till!) so he comes over with some tissue (yes tissue) and started to wipe up the mass amount of vomit with his hands (no glove no nothing)...needless to say the tissues didn't quite do the this guy was picking up the egg whites (clearly visible) with his bare hands...nice. The i guess he thinks a bit more and gets a bucket and mop...

He tried to mop it up but it didn't really work that the bits stayed on the floor.

I was helping sort out the table ect.. i looked and Anna and asked so do you want to eat your sandwich? which wasn't it by the vomit...and we both looked at each other and were like...somehow i've lost my appetite! yuck. so we chucked it all away said sorry and left the building...we will not frequent that subway again!

Poor little Tilly tot. we took her around to Heather (just around the corner) to get some clothes for the little thing. It was a good job that it was so hot that yesterday or she'd be freezing in her under ware/onsie (I also there would have been more clothes to take off which is marfan!)

It turns out that she does have a virus or something as both her and her mum (Anna) are sick today. i now worry that i will get sick, and more importantly that Sarah pray hard that we don't! and even harder that they get better asap!

i already feel nauseated but i guess that's psychosimatic! (sorry if you do too now after reading this post!!)


Anna said...

oh, what would we have done without you there yesterday?? you had control over the entire situation. i was in shock with the total amount and speed and projection of it all. life saver paula bear. i hope you don't get sick. i think we just have a little bug as we are both quite chirpy this morning, despite the tummy.

Unknown said...
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The Accidental Mommy said...

Yikes! Poor little girl! Sounds like your friend was happy to have your help!