Wednesday, February 25, 2009


My dear daughter yesterday was doing push ups..i am not even sure if that is the right term, but it's kind of like it, she was holding onto the chair and onto my leg and lifting herself off the ground. A bit like a pull up, or push up or what ever she was going up and down up and down. Are 2 year olds meant to do that? i guess they are, she's light and strong. i mean she already holds on to a bar an dangles there for 30sec or more, but yesterday she was lifting her feet up and holding them up, a bit like a gymnast would do. Her legs were out in front of her off the ground.
I guess i need to get her in to gymnastics or something like that, shame they don't have tummle tots here. she already does a perfect forward roll whenever she sees certain people, mostly men it has to be said!


Lisa said...

How cute! Gymnastics does sound like a great thing for her!
Thanks for the prayers too!

Unknown said...

she is training to become an Olympic Weight lifter, it is the only event Taiwanese ladies won a medal in!

The Accidental Mommy said...

Wow, she can do a roll? Neither of mine can do that!

Paula Perry said...

she does a perfect roll, yes. she's now going for the suported head stand!! ...well it happens when she does the roll without enough her legs go up but have no where to go so she just stays there. She's pretty good i think.

Unknown said...

She can also do sit ups pretty well.

i think she will get a 6-pack if she continues working out....